Resources for
Children, Foster Parents, and Agency Workers

We provide support and encouragement for the Foster Care Community

Hurting children. Hurting families.
Everyone is searching for hope.

In the 7 counties Fostering Hope serves there are…

775 children in foster care
335 foster care families
175 agency workers

All looking for support to make it through today.

Fostering Hope is a safe place where children and families feel seen.

At Fostering Hope those in the foster care community will find…

Support in their time of need.

Clothing, toiletries, and toys to aid the transition into foster care.

Stability within the chaos.

The ways you can serve

with Children

with Families

with Agencies

Steps to volunteer today…

Step 1
Fill out the volunteer form.

Step 2

Find a time to volunteer.

Step 3

Bring support and encouragement to the foster care community.

Foster Care Support in Joplin, Mo - Girl Reading

The impact Fostering Hope volunteers and partners are making…

Foster Care Support in Joplin, Mo - Child Icon

800+ children in foster care served annually.

Foster Care Support in Joplin, Mo - Home Icon

300+ foster, relative, and kinship homes supported.

Foster Care Support in Joplin, Mo - worker icon

150+ child welfare agency workers encouraged.

You can make a difference in the foster care community

Help bring support, encouragement, and hope today.